5 tips to treat body odour

Ever had that moment where you wonder if you smell, well, not so great? It happens. But you can make body odor go away. Try these five tips to fight odour and smell heavenly this summer.

  1. Wear deodorant or an antiperspirant: Deodorants make the area more acidic, creating an environment where bacteria cannot grow. Always spray your deo on the skin at a distance to avoid darkening of the area. Antiperspirants work by reducing the amount of sweat produced and are ideal for those who tend to sweat a lot.
  2. Science to the rescue: If excessive sweating and consequent body odour is making you miserable, opt for ­botulinum toxin injections. A treatment lasts from two to eight months. Radiofrequency ­treatments can also naturally reduce the amount you sweat.
  3. Clean up: Bathing regularly with an anti-bacterial soap eliminates the bacteria that causes body odour. Make sure to dry yourself thoroughly.
  4. Eat right: Some foods can contribute to body odour, such as large quantities of red meat, garlic, onions, spicy foods, heavily processed foods and caffeinated drinks. So avoid them.
  5. Dress to kill odour: Avoid repeating unwashed clothes or those in synthetic material. Opt for cotton and similar breathable fabrics.
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