Mobile Application Type Immersive Applications

An immersive application offers a full-screen, visually rich environment that’s focused on the content and the user’s experience with that content. People often use immersive applications to have fun, whether playing a game, viewing media-rich content, or performing a simple task. It’s easy to see how games fit this style… Continue reading

Mobile Application Type Productivity Applications

A productivity application enables tasks that are based on the organization and manipulation of detailed information. People use productivity applications to accomplish important tasks. Mail is a good example of a productivity application. Seriousness of purpose does not mean that productivity applications should attempt to appear serious by providing a… Continue reading

Limitations of Mobile Application Development

An mobile device is not a desktop or laptop computer, and a mobile application is not the same as a desktop application. Although these seem merely common-sense statements, it is nonetheless paramount to keep them in mind as you embark on developing software for these devices. Designing software for mobile… Continue reading

Mobile Web-sites & Apps Testing on Device Hardware

Testing on actual device hardware can be costly, but will always provide the most accurate results. Pros Testing on actual devices provides access to real device capabilities and constraints. These include device CPU, physical size, manipulation options, screen size, dpi, screen quality, and overall device responsiveness. Testing on devices (using… Continue reading

Mobile Web-sites & Apps Testing on Emulators & Simulators

Emulators and simulators are often free of charge, and so can prove a useful and economical addition to your test routine. It is important, however, to understand the differences between an emulator and a simulator. Emulators An emulator is a piece of software “that translates compiled code from an original… Continue reading

Mobile Web-sites & Apps Testing on Desktop Browsers

Desktop browsers can be extremely useful when developing mobile web sites and apps. Although they are no replacement for testing on actual devices, they do provide robust debugging options and can be used to simulate mobile screen sizes. Pros Desktop browsers are free, familiar, and require no special hardware. Testing… Continue reading