Difference between Dataset and Recordset?

DataSet is an ADO.Net object and RecordSet is an ADO object. DataSet can be considered as a logical database as it has the capability to store more than one table and have relations maintained between the tables as in a relational database. Where as a RecordSet can hold only one table at a time. Dataset is based on disconnected architecture where as Recordset is based on connected architecture. Dataset is type safe where as Recordset is not. Dataset can contain different tables from different database whereas Recordset cannot. In dataset there is no concept of cursor types and lock type mechanism while in Recordset these are main concepts.

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One Response to Difference between Dataset and Recordset?

  1. Narayanan says:

    Nice Post.
    Could you please give an example for Record set (cursor types and lock type mechanism)
    Lakshmi Narayanan.S

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