Many times two classes are incompatible because of incompatible interfaces. Adapter helps us to wrap a class around the existing class and make the classes compatible with each other. Consider the below figure ‘Incompatible interfaces’ both of them are collections to hold string values. Both of them have a method which helps us to add string in to the collection. One of the methods is named as ‘Add’ and the other as ‘Push’. One of them uses the collection object and the other the stack. We want to make the stack object compatible with the collection object.
Figure: – Incompatible interfaces
There are two way of implementing adapter pattern one is by using aggregation (this is termed as the object adapter pattern) and the other inheritance (this is termed as the class adapter pattern). First let’s try to cover object adapter pattern.
Figure ‘Object Adapter pattern’ shows a broader view of how we can achieve the same. We have a introduced a new wrapper class ‘clsCollectionAdapter’ which wraps on the top of the ‘clsStack’ class and aggregates the ‘push’ method inside a new ‘Add’ method, thus making both the classes compatible.
Figure: – Object Adapter pattern
The other way to implement the adapter pattern is by using inheritance also termed as class adapter pattern. Figure ‘Class adapter pattern’ shows how we have inherited the ‘clsStack’ class in the ‘clsCollectionAdapter’ and made it compatible with the ‘clsCollection’ class.
Figure :- Class adapter pattern