Getting people to do what you want can be difficult. You may be being asked this question as a result of current economic difficulties. If it is a sales-based job, how will you inspire your team to work harder and better? Have you had experience before of motivating people successfully? What did you do and why did it work? How are you seen by other people – as a leader and trail-blazer? Or as a safe pair of hands who can be relied on to do the right thing? How do you propose to set the expectations of your new workmates and what will you do if they do not want to work your way? Try to find examples of how you have used motivation before, or how you have been motivated by other people or circumstances in the past. Show that you are confident in this area and keen to use your skills and enthusiasm to get the team going.
This job needs to be filled by a motivator – tell us how you would do that.
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