You will be applying for a job that is concerned with the way that individuals perform at work if you are asked a question such as this. That can mean that you will work either in the HR department or that you are a supervisor or manager of other people. Setting expectations of the way you expect people to perform at work is the place to start. Working with individuals to help them reach the standards required and investing in staff to train and develop them to the best of their abilities is crucial.
Monitoring production or performance in work is key to understanding what is happening and then giving feedback on effective working, and encouragement to motivate people can be helpful. If you have worked in this field before, describe an example of the way in which you have raised standards of performance elsewhere and show how you increased satisfaction at work. What did you do specifically to help change the situation? What are the key factors that allowed you to make the difference? Most important of all, what have you learned about staff performance that you can now bring to this new job?
What do you think is the best way to deal with poor performers?
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