As a manager what process did you adopt to define testing policy?

Note: – This question will be normally asked to test whether you can independently setup testing departments. Many companies still think testing as secondary. That’s where a good testing manager should show the importance of testing. To bring in the attitude of testing in companies which never had a formal testing department is a… Continue reading

Does Increase in testing always mean good to the project?

No increase in testing does not mean always good for the product, company or the project. In real test scenarios from 100% test plans only 20% test plans are critical from business angle. Running those critical test plans will assure that the testing is proper rather than running the full 100% test… Continue reading

How does testing affect risk?

A risk is a condition that can result in a loss. Risk can only be controlled in many scenarios but not eliminated completely. Defect normally converts to a risk. For instance let’s say you are developing an accounting application and you have done wrong tax calculation. There is a huge possibility this will… Continue reading

What are the broader categories of defects?

There are mainly three categories of defect:- Wrong: – The requirements have been implemented incorrectly. This defect is a variance from the given specification. Missing: – There is a requirement given by the customer and is not done. This is a variance from specification, an indication that the pecification was not implemented,… Continue reading

What is the difference between white box, black box and gray box testing?

Black box testing is a testing strategy which is based solely on the requirements and specifications. Black box testing requires no knowledge of the internal paths, structure, or implementation of the software under test. White box testing is a testing strategy which is based on the internal paths, code structure, and implementation… Continue reading

What is the main difference between a String and a StringBuffer class?

String StringBuffer / StringBuilder String is immutable: you can’t modify a string object but can replace it by creating a new instance. Creating a new instance is rather expensive. //Inefficient version using immutable String String output = “Some text” Int count = 100; for(int i =0; i<count; i++) { output… Continue reading