Papaya is rich in carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, papain, organic acids, and minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. Eating papaya can supplement some of the nutrients the body needs.
But papaya is a kind of cold fruit, which means that it decreases our body’s internal temperature. Therefore, papaya is not suitable for people with stomach cold or weak body.
Pregnant women should not eat papaya. Modern medical research has found that papaya contains papaya glycosides. Papaya glycosides may cause uterine contractions, which is not conducive to the stability of the fetus, and even lead to miscarriage.
Ripe papaya fruit is an excellent, nutritious fruit. You can take a bowl of cut papaya fruit just half an hour before breakfast. It’s very good for digestion and overall health. I have been taking this fruit for over 50 years and my health is good even at 80. Unripe papaya can be cut into pieces after peeling the skin and boiled, spiced, and eaten as a vegetable. You should not take unripe raw papaya.
Papayas are not healthy for all
Loaded with dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, papaya is one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. The sweet and vibrant colour fruit, is now available at most times of the year. Have it ripe or add it raw in your salad, papayas can provide you with some amazing health benefits. Eating it regularly in the morning or between mealtime to curb untimely hunger can decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, lower blood pressure, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Even though papayas are extremely healthy, they might not be safe for consumption for all. People suffering from some specific conditions must avoid adding papaya to their diet.
Pregnant women
Eating healthy is important for the growth of the baby and the health of a pregnant woman. But papayas are one fruit that should be left out from this list. The sweet fruit contains latex that may trigger uterine contractions, leading to early labour. It contains papain which is mistaken by the body for prostaglandins, which is used artificially to induce labour. It may even weaken the membrane that supports the fetus. It mostly happens in the case of semi-ripe papaya.
People with irregular heartbeat
Eating papayas can reduce the risk of heart-related ailments, but if you are already suffering from the problem of irregular heartbeat, it is better to avoid papaya for good. A study suggests that papaya contains a small amount of cyanogenic glycosides, an amino acid that can produce hydrogen cyanide in the human digestive system. Though the amount of compound produced is not harmful to health, excess of it can worsen the symptoms for those suffering from the problem of irregular heartbeat. It may also have the same effect on people suffering from hypothyroidism.
People with allergies
People diagnosed with latex allergy may also be allergic to papaya. That happens because papaya contains enzymes called chitinases. The enzyme can cause a cross-reaction between the latex and the food that contains them, leading to sneezing, breathing difficulty, coughing and watery eyes. Some people may even find the odour of ripe papaya unpleasant.
People with kidney stones
Papaya contains an excessive amount of vitamin C. The nutrient is a rich antioxidant, but an excess intake of this nutrient by those already suffering from the problem of kidney stones can worsen the condition. Too much intake of vitamin C can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. It can even increase the size of the stone, making it harder to pass it through urine.
People with hypoglycemia
Papaya is the preferred fruit for those suffering from diabetes as it helps to manage the blood sugar level. But it might not be a great option for those already suffering from the problem of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. That’s because the sweet-tasting fruit contains anti-hypoglycemic or glucose-lowering effects. It may take the blood glucose level to a dangerous level in people suffering from hypoglycemia, leading to problems like confusion, shakiness and a fast heartbeat.