What is Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and mac OS. It supports for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring. Also it is customizable, so users can change the editor’s theme, keyboard shortcuts, and preferences. It is… Continue reading

E-way Bill-GST-Rajasthan GST

Most Urgent सभी व्यापारी ध्यान  दे की दिनांक 20-Dec-2017 से राजस्थान में निम्नलिखित वस्तुओ के अन्तर्राज्जीय movement पर E-way बिल लगाना अनिवार्य है यदि वस्तुओ का मूल्य Rs. 50000/- से अधिक है वस्तुओ की सूचि निम्न प्रकार है. 1. All kinds of furniture including molded furniture. 2. All kinds of… Continue reading

Step wise Registration Process for Limited Liability Partnership – LLP

Recently most entrepreneurs have started opting for Limited Liability Partnership, considering it has most positive features of Partnership and Companies. It is hybrid form, which incorporates benefits of both partnership and companies. It has the following features: The liability of each partner agrees limited to the contribution mention. The cost… Continue reading