What are the authentication methods in .NET?

There are 4 types of authentications. WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION FORMS AUTHENTICATION PASSPORT AUTHENTICATION NONE/CUSTOM AUTHENTICATION The authentication option for the ASP.NET application is specified by using the tag in the Web.config file, as shown below: 1. WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION Schemes Integrated Windows authentication Basic and basic with SSL authentication Digest authentication Client… Continue reading

How does output caching work in ASP.NET?

Output caching is a powerful technique that increases request/response throughput by caching the content generated from dynamic pages. Output caching is enabled by default, but output from any given response is not cached unless explicit action is taken to make the response cacheable. To make a response eligible for output… Continue reading

Open a new Tab/Window by using Response.Redirect and it open in new web page

Here I am going to explain how to open new tab/window on Button click using asp.net. A week ago, i have to implement that code. I have option to use java-script windows.open to open new tab. But I have to insert or update some database entry. Yeah i know that… Continue reading

How does we get records from 5 to 15 from a dataset of 100 records?

SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[“cons”]); SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(“student”,con); SqlDataAdapter db=new SqlDataAdapter(); db.SelectCommand=cmd; cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); db.Fill(ds,5,15,”student”); DataGrid1.DataSource=ds; DataGrid1.DataBind(); this will return the 10 rows of the result set. In the above code “student” is the name of the stored procedure.