8 benefits of reflexology

Alternative therapies have always been popular in our country and since these work positively for lifestyle related ailments, people are open to it.
Reflexology, considered effective for many medical and physical conditions, works by improving the circulation in the body and releasing blockages of energy points. Experts claim it works for backaches, headaches, stomach aches and certain muscle spasms. For some, it works instantly, while for others it may take many sessions. We spoke to Dr Neeraj Mehta, an alternative medicine professional, and fitness consultant Asif Shaikh to find out more. Here is a list of benefits…

  1. Reflexology improves the circulation of blood and other hormonal fluids, which, in turn, promotes optimum function of the corresponding area of our body.
  2. This therapeutic procedure has helped a lot of sports professionals to perform better and recuperate from their ailments and injuries.
  3. It helps to improve our immune system.
  4. Reflexology is effective for insomnia. It also enhances the feeling of well-being.
  5. The pressure applied to the specific points on the foot helps to releases endorphins and also balance our nervous system, thereby reducing stress levels and alleviating pain.
  6. Energies of our body and our aura is balanced and it also clears pathways inside.
  7. Massaging the points on our foot reduces stress. This treatment ensures a flow of healing energy and the patient feels tranquil and relaxed.
  8. When effectively done, reflexology drains the lymphatic system and clears our body of toxins and impurities.
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