Are you a creative person?

Creativity is greatly prized in the workplace. Someone who can help to think of new ideas, or improve processes and reassess the old ways of doing things, can be worth their weight in gold. There are not many employers who wouldn’t like to employ creative people given the chance. Giving an example of being creative in the workplace will give you an advantage. Even if you cannot think of a work example, most of us can think of some way in which we demonstrate creative aspects of our character. Whether you can make things, play an instrument, grow things, cook or are artistic, you should be able to find some area to talk about if you are asked this question. It could be playing a sport or helping your children with their homework but you must come up with something. Have you been creative in the past? Enjoyed art when you were younger, visited galleries or the cinema? Find a way to be able to answer with a positive response.

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