Can you explain requirement traceability and its importance?

In most organization testing only starts after executio n / coding phase of the project. But if the organization wants to really benefit from testing, then testers should get involved right from the requirement phase.
If the tester is getting involved right from the requirement phase then requirement traceabil ity is one of the important reports which can give what kind of test coverage the test cases have .
Below is the figure which shows how we can measure the coverage using the requirement traceability matrix.
We have extracted the important functionality from the requirement document and aligned the same on the left hand side of the sheet. On the other side at the top we have mapped the test cases with the requirement. With this we can ensure that all requirements are covered by our test cases. As shown in the below figure we can have one or more test cases covering the requirement. This is also termed as requirement coverage.

Requirement Traceability

Note: – Many professionals still think testing as executing test cases on the application. But testing should be performed at all levels. In requirement we can use review and traceability matrix to check validity of our project. In design time we can use design review to check the correctness of the design and so on.

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