Can you explain adapter pattern?

Many times two classes are incompatible because of incompatible interfaces. Adapter helps us to wrap a class around the existing class and make the classes compatible with each other. Consider the below figure ‘Incompatible interfaces’ both of them are collections to hold string values. Both of them have a method… Continue reading

Difference between Visitor Pattern and Strategy Pattern?

Visitor and strategy look very much similar as they deal with encapsulating complex logic from data. We can say visitor is more general form of strategy. In strategy we have one context or a single logical data on which multiple algorithms operate. In the previous questions we have explained the… Continue reading

Can you explain observer pattern?

Observer pattern helps us to communicate between parent class and its associated or dependent classes. There are two important concepts in observer pattern ‘Subject’ and ‘Observers’. The subject sends notifications while observers receive notifications if they are registered with the subject. Below figure ‘Subject and observers’ shows how the application… Continue reading

Can you explain memento pattern?

Memento pattern is the way to capture objects internal state with out violating encapsulation. Memento pattern helps us to store a snapshot which can be reverted at any moment of time by the object. Let’s understand what it means in practical sense. Consider figure ‘Memento practical example’, it shows a… Continue reading

Can you explain mediator pattern?

Many a times in projects communication between components are complex. Due to this the logic between the components becomes very complex. Mediator pattern helps the objects to communicate in a disassociated manner, which leads to minimizing complexity. Figure: – Mediator sample example Let’s consider the figure ‘Mediator sample example’ which… Continue reading

Can you explain iterator pattern?

Iterator pattern allows sequential access of elements with out exposing the inside code. Let’s understand what it means. Let’s say you have a collection of records which you want to browse sequentially and also maintain the current place which recordset is browsed, then the answer is iterator pattern. It’s the… Continue reading