Fund selection plays an important role in getting better investment returns

As discussed earlier, we chose HDFC Tax Saver fund at random from ELSS funds which completed 15 years. However, the HDFC Tax Saver fund has been underperforming relative to its peers for the past few years. The ELSS investor could have got even better returns than in the above example, by monitoring his investment portfolio from time to time and shifting to better performing funds. For example, if in 2010, the investor switched to Franklin India Taxshield fund, which was one of the better performing ELSS funds back then and even now, and continued to make 80C investments in the Franklin India Taxshield fund, the accumulated investment value of the investor would be over र 1.3 crores. This means through portfolio reviews and better fund selection, the investor could have got 13% higher returns over 5 years. There can be a number of other possibilities through which the investor could have got better returns. We have just shown an example of why it is important that, investors should do review their portfolio from time to time and make appropriate adjustments to get better returns. Investors should seek the advice of their financial advisors from time to time, to make necessary adjustments to their portfolio, as and when required.

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