Glutamate – Protein Building Block and Excitatory Neurotransmitter….

Glutamate is just one of many amino acids used by the body and linked into the chains of protein in the body.  However some amino acids are free to float around by themselves as well as being found linked into proteins because they serve vital functions – some are neurotransmitters which carry nerve cell impulses throughout the body.  Amino acid neurotransmitters are like chemical messengers carrying news from nerve cell to nerve cell.   Some amino acid neurotransmitters like glutamate trigger nerve cells to fire, others like taurine and gamma amino butyric acid tell those firing nerve cells to cease firing.  It is a delicate balance.  An important balance.  Researchers are finding out just what happens when that balance tips.  In patients who suffer a stroke, for example, an excess of glutamate in the brain causes the nerve cells to die from overstimulation.  Glutamate blocking drugs are being used to prevent some of this damage.

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