Have you made any career choices that you now regret?

Even if you don’t feel regretful about your career path to date, you can probably think of a time when you did not grab an opportunity that could have been better for you. Many of us stumble into our first job when perhaps we could have been more selective. It is best not to reveal that you secretly hanker after a major career change when you answer this question. The interviewer wants to feel that you are the perfect candidate for the job on offer, so anything that you can say to show that your career dreams have always been pointing in this direction, the better. Perhaps you struggled with some subjects at school or college and you might have been better off studying something that appealed to you more. You may feel that you stayed in earlier dead-end jobs too long rather than searching for a better opportunity. Try to re-evaluate your work decisions to see if you can come up with something that shows you are where you want to be right now but that you could have got there more directly had you made different choices.

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