How did you handle the toughest decision you ever had to make?

I remember it well. I had to _____________________ ____________ (make a decision that would affect the jobs of several employees, perhaps require permanent layoffs). I thought seriously about the consequences to the employer, without ignoring the human factors involved. I arrived at a solution that produced the best result for the company while minimizing the effects on the employees.

We kept the most qualified people, but those who had to leave were good employees also. We were able to help each one of them get work in the same field within a month of leaving our company. That minimized our unemployment insurance burden and kept those who were affected by the downsizing from losing self-esteem.

Making the right decision required a lot of forethought and looking at best- and worst-case scenarios extensively before making my recommendations. I firmly believe you have to look carefully at both the business and the people side of every work decision.

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