Main differences between ASP and ASP.NET.

ASP (Active Server Pages) and ASP.NET are both server side technologies for building web sites and web applications, ASP.NET is Managed compiled code – asp is interpreted. and is fully Object oriented. ASP.NET has been entirely re-architected to provide a highly productive programming experience based on the .NET Framework, and a robust infrastructure for building reliable and scalable web applications.
Answer 1:

  1. ASP: Code is Interpreted
    ASP.NET: Code is Compiled
  2. ASP: Business Logic and Presentation Logic are in a single file
    ASP.NET: Business Logic and Presentation Logic are in separate files (.cs or .vb) and (.aspx) respectively.
  3. ASP: No Web Server Controls
    ASP.NET: Web Server Controls supported by strong .NET Framework
  4. ASP: No RAD in Classic ASP
    ASP.NET: Supports RAD

Answer 2:

  1. Asp is interpreted is compiled which is faster than asp.
  2. maintains its own CLR and is managed as it runs by CLR
    Where as asp is unmanaged
  3. We can maintain sessions in state server and sql server which is Outproc,
    where in asp sessions will be last if we restart web-server or make changes.
  4. In we can configure each application using web.config file which is available in application itself and we have machine.config where we can configure all applications.
    In asp we cannot configure single application
  5. we have autopostback event which is not in asp
  6. In we have global.asax where can handle some global things which is not in asp.
  7. We have well built GUI to work in
  8. We have and as well as disconnected architecture in
  9. We have Xcopy deployment in
  10. We can work with any language as code behind technique in that supports .net frame work

Answer 3:

  1. is compiled but ASP is a interpreter or script only.
  2. is supported more control then the asp.
  3. is more supported even control then the asp.
  4. In if update any component then no need to shutdown the computer but in asp if loaded any component then need to be shutdown the computer.
  5. So lastly an is faster then asp

Answer 4:

  • Eval is a protected method defined on the TemplateControl class, from which the Page class is derived & Bind is a new ASP.NET 2.0 data binding keyword. It’s not a method of any specific class.
  • Eval is used for unidirectional (read-only) data binding, while Bind is for bi-directional (editable) databinding.
  • Eval method is a static (read-only) method that takes the value of a data field and returns it as a string & Bind method supports read/write functionality with the ability to retrieve the values of data-bound controls and submit any changes made back to the database.
  • The Bind method has some similarities to the Eval method, but there are significant differences. Although you can retrieve the values of data-bound fields with the Bind method, as you can with the Eval method, the Bind method is also used when data can be modified.
  • The Bind method is typically used with input controls such as the TextBox control rendered by a GridView row in edit mode. When the data-bound control creates these input controls as part of its own rendering, it can extract the input values.
  • Eval method evaluates late-bound data expressions in the templates of data-bound controls such as the GridView, DetailsView, and FormView controls & Bind method takes the name of a data field to associate with the bound property.
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