Scaffold Template in MVC 4

Once you select a type, you can also choose a scaffold template. These templates use the Visual Studio T4 templating system to generate a view based on the model type selected and are listed in Table.

Empty Creates an empty view. Only the model type is specified using the @model syntax.
Create Creates a view with a form for creating new instances of the model. Generates a label and input field for each property of the model type.
Delete Creates a view with a form for deleting existing instances of the model. Displays a label and the current value for each property of the model.
Details Creates a view that displays a label and the value for each property of the model type.
Edit Creates a view with a form for editing existing instances of the model. Generates a label and input field for each property of the model type.
List Creates a view with a table of model instances. Generates a column for each property of the model type. Make sure to pass an IEnumerable to this view from your action method. The view also contains links to actions for performing the create/edit/delete operations.
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