Source Control Checkout process

If you want to edit a file that is checked in to source control, you must go to source control system and “checkout” the file. All you have to do is, right click on appropriate file in the source control explorer and select “Checkout File”. The source control system will remember the folder structure you specified and copy the latest version of the file to the appropriate folder.
When you checkout a file from Source Control, it will copy the latest version of that file into your computer. This will overwrite your copy of that file. So, if you have made any changes to the file in your computer without checking out, those changes will be lost during this process. It is very important that you should not change any file before checking out the file from source control.
When a person checkout a file, the source control system will mark that file as ‘locked’. This means no other user can checkout the same file until you checkin that file. This will ensure that the same file will not be edited by different people at the same time.

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