Tips to improve performance of Asp.Net applications developed using VB

1) Enable Option Strict and Option Explicit for your pages
With Option Strict on, you protect yourself from inadvertent late binding and enforce a higher level of coding discipline.
2) Use early binding in Visual Basic or JScript code
Visual Basic 6 does a lot of work under the hood to support casting of objects, and many programmers aren’t even aware of it. In Visual Basic 7, this is an area that out of which you can squeeze a lot of performance.
When you compile, use early binding. This tells the compiler to insert a Type Coercion is only done when explicitly mentioned.
This has two major effects:
? Strange errors become easier to track down.
? Unneeded coercions are eliminated, leading to substantial performance improvements.
When you use an object as if it were of a different type, Visual Basic will coerce the object for you if you don’t specify. This is handy, since the programmer has to worry about less code.
3) Put Concatenations in One Expression
If you have multiple concatenations on multiple lines, try to stick them all on one expression. The compiler can optimize by modifying the string in place, providing a speed and memory boost. If the statements are split into multiple lines, the Visual Basic compiler will not generate the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) to allow in-place concatenation.

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