What are different types of HTML Helpers?

There are three types of HTML helpers as given below:

  1. Inline Html Helpers – These are create in the same view by using the Razor @helper tag. These helpers can be reused only on the same view.
    @helper ListingItems(string[] items)
            @foreach (string item in items)
    <h3>Programming Languages:</h3>
    @ListingItems(new string[] { "C", "C++", "C#" })
    <h3>Book List:</h3>
    @ListingItems(new string[] { "How to C", "how to C++", "how to C#" })
  2. Built-In Html Helpers – Built-In Html Helpers are extension methods on the HtmlHelper class. The Built-In Html helpers can be divided into three categories-
    1. Standard Html Helpers
    2. Strongly Typed HTML Helpers
    3. Templated HTML Helpers
  3. Custom Html Helpers – You can also create your own custom helper methods by creating an extension method on the HtmlHelper class or by creating static methods with in a utility class.
    public static class CustomHelpers {
        //Submit Button Helper
        public static MvcHtmlString SubmitButton(this HtmlHelper helper, string buttonText) {
                string str = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + buttonText + "\" />";
                return new MvcHtmlString(str);
            //Readonly Strongly-Typed TextBox Helper
        public static MvcHtmlString TextBoxFor < TModel, TValue > (this HtmlHelper < TModel > htmlHelper, Expression < Func < TModel, TValue >> expression, bool isReadonly) {
            MvcHtmlString html =
                default (MvcHtmlString);
            if (isReadonly) {
                html = System.Web.Mvc.Html.InputExtensions.TextBoxFor(htmlHelper, expression, new {@
                    class = "readOnly", @readonly = "read-only"
            } else {
                html = System.Web.Mvc.Html.InputExtensions.TextBoxFor(htmlHelper, expression);
            return html;
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