What are the reasons for your success?

I always give 100 percent. Some people try to prove themselves to someone else, but I think sometimes it’s better to prove to yourself that you can succeed. No one is a better judge of your success than you, and you know what you can do. When I do a job well, it gives me personal satisfaction that carries over into everything I do.

Working very hard does not prevent me from getting along with all sorts of people. By respecting everyone as an individual as you advance in responsibility, you not only make a good impression, but also you gain the respect of others.

Paying attention to details is also important. I usually like to recheck everything I do, just in case I missed something the first time. I also find it beneficial to at least review my work that has my name on it, even if completed by a secretary or someone else in my department. Proper delegation requires some supervision.

Eventually, hard work, respect for others, and attention to detail pay off, and they make the job more enjoyable and challenging along the way.

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