What did you enjoy most in your last job?

This question is a gift for you to show your enthusiasm for work in particular and for those elements of your last job that demonstrate your skills that are directly transferable to the new job. Think about the job on offer today and work out which elements link most directly with your last job. Talk about how you would like to take these areas further and develop your skills more fully. Show, by what you enjoyed most, what the special contribution is that you can offer the interviewer. If you are applying for a sales job, talk about the progress you made on the sales floor in your last job and how you would be keen to learn more in this area. If you are going to be working in a team in the new job, find an example of how working with others comes easily to you. If you need to be responsible for certain areas, illustrate that you enjoyed being in charge in your last role and give some examples of how this worked for you and your last employer.

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