Unless you are applying for a job with some kind of responsibility for strategic planning in an organisation, it is unlikely that you will be asked a question like this. However, the interviewer may want to see how you would approach answering a question about the economy or current affairs generally. There are no right answers to this question. If there were, we might not be facing difficult economic times. The interviewer will be interested to see what you think the possibilities for success are at the moment. Have you been keeping an eye on the quality press lately? Creative thinking, flexibility and diversification are three recommendations that writers in the business press are making currently. Can any of these three be applied to the job on offer? What scope is there for flair in developing new markets, ways of working or products and services? How flexible is the organisation to be able to change its ways to respond to new emerging opportunities? Can the company diversify to find new markets instead of relying on the old?
What do you think we should be doing to survive the economic downturn?
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