What is the difference between an instance variable and a static variable? How does a local variable compare to an instance or a static variable? Give an example where you might use a static variable?

Static variables Instance variables
Class variables are called static variables. There is only one occurrence of a class variable per JVM per class loader. When a class is loaded the class variables (aka static variables) are initialized. Instance variables are non-static and there is one occurrence of an instance variable in each class instance (i.e. each object). Also known as a member variable or a field.

A static variable is used in the singleton pattern. A static variable is used with a final modifier to define constants.

Local variables Instance and static variables
Local variables have a narrower scope than instance variables Instance variables have a narrower scope than static variables.
The lifetime of a local variable is determined by execution path and local variables are also known as stack variables because they live on the stack. Instance and static variables are associated with objects and therefore live in the heap.
For a local variable, it is illegal for code to fail to assign it a value. It is the best practice to declare local variables only where required as opposed to declaring them upfront and cluttering up your code with some local variables that never get used. Both the static and instance variables always have a value. If your code does not assign them a value then the run-time system will implicitly assign a default value (e.g. null/0/0.0/false).

Note: Java does not support global, universally accessible variables. You can get the same sorts of effects with classes that have static variables.

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