What’s the difference between Inspections and Walkthroughs?

As said in the previous sections the difference between validation and verification is that in validation we actually execute the application, while in verification we do review without actually running the application. Verifications are basically of two main types Walk-through and Inspection. Walkthrough is an informal way of verification. For instance you can call your colleague and do an informal walkthrough to just check if the documentation and coding is proper. Inspection is a formal procedure and official. For instance in your organization you can have an official body which approves design documents for any project. Every project in your organization need to go through an inspection which reviews your design documents. In case there are issues in the design documents then your project will get a NC (Non conformance) list. You can not proceed ahead with out clearing the NC’s given by the inspection team.

Walkthrough and InspectionWalk-through and Inspection

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