Why inverter AC better than normal AC

An inverter compressor in AC solves all the disadvantages of the normal AC and saves more than 40% on electricity bills as claimed by some of the manufacturers. Apart from this the inverter AC is very silent compared to a normal AC and the compressor lasts much longer, because it is never stressed.

When an inverter AC is put on, the compressor starts slowly and picks up speed gradually and reaches a higher speed than a normal AC for a short period to cool the room faster than a normal AC. Once the set temperature of say 22 degrees C is reached, the compressor slows down and has just enough speed to maintain the set temperature of the room. The compressor never stops while the AC is on; it just runs very slowly cooling the room just enough to maintain the set temperature. The variance in temperature in the room will be in decimals, in our example of 22 degrees it may go down to 21.9 and up to 22.1 degrees, which is negligible.

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