What experience have you had supervising people with advanced degrees?

(If you have had experience:) I’ve supervised highly credentialed professionals in (one/several) of my jobs, specifically _________________. The work I was required to supervise and evaluate was very specialized. In many cases, I learned from them as the work progressed. It is very stimulating to work with highly educated people…. Continue reading

What steps would you take to terminate an employee who is not performing adequately?

First, I’d make sure I followed all applicable company rules and procedures and any laws that govern the given situation. People should have at least one warning and a chance to improve their performance. I would counsel confidentially and give a written warning covering a specific period of time, along… Continue reading

How did you handle the toughest decision you ever had to make?

I remember it well. I had to _____________________ ____________ (make a decision that would affect the jobs of several employees, perhaps require permanent layoffs). I thought seriously about the consequences to the employer, without ignoring the human factors involved. I arrived at a solution that produced the best result for… Continue reading

In what manner do you communicate with staff? With superiors?

In most cases, a manager must develop a uniform and consistent communication style so that employees know what to expect. I would say I project assertiveness and a positive attitude when communicating with my staff, but I’m also flexible. Good managers are skilled in the art of communication and sensitive… Continue reading

What are some of the things your (current/previous) employer might have done to be more successful?

I don’t overanalyze the reasons for management decisions. Any decision is only as good as the facts on which it is based. Management has access to market research, projections, and other important data. Yet, sometimes, even with the best input, things don’t work out. Overall, the companies I’ve worked for… Continue reading

Tell me about the people you hired in your (current/previous) job. How long did they stay with you? How did they work out?

I’ve developed a sense of the type of employee who will do a particular job well, and also a sense of which people work best together in a given situation; so there’s always been a minimum of unrest and turnover among the troops. I think any manager’s best bet is… Continue reading