What are static factory methods?

Some of the above mentioned features like searching, sorting, shuffling, immutability etc are achieved with java.util.Collections class and java.util.Arrays utility classes. The great majority of these implementations are provided via static factory methods in a single, non-instantiable (i.e. private constrctor) class. Speaking of static factory methods, they are an alternative to creating objects through constructors. Unlike constructors, static factory methods are not required to create a new object (i.e. a duplicate object) each time they are invoked (e.g. immutable instances can be cached) and also they have a more meaningful names like valueOf, instanceOf, asList etc. For example:
Instead of:

String[] myArray = {
    "Java", "J2EE", "XML", "JNDI"
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {

You can use:

String[] myArray = {"Java", "J2EE", "XML", "JNDI"};
System.out.println(Arrays.asList(myArray)); //factory method Arrays.asList(…)

For example: The following static factory method (an alternative to a constructor) example converts a boolean primitive value to a Boolean wrapper object.

public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b) {
    return (b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE)
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