What causes hiccups?

Dr Parul R Sheth, a health consultant, says that hiccups cause a sudden involuntary spasm of the diaphragm. “This is caused by swallowing air along with food, while eating too fast, eating spicy foods, drinking too much of aerated drinks or alcohol, fear, excitement, sudden temperature changes, certain medications or certain diseases and abdominal surgery etc.”

Adds consultant general physician Dr Rajesh Jharia, “The medical term for hiccups is singultus — the state of having reflex involuntary, intermittent, spasmodic contraction or spasm of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. This is accompanied by a closure of the glottis, producing an audible ‘hic’ sound. Hiccups are common, usually transient, affecting almost all people in their lifetime but rarely become intractable leading to adverse outcomes. Based on their duration, they are divided into three types:

Hiccup bout: Hiccups that last for not more than 48 hours.

Persistent hiccups: These continue for more than 48 hours and last for days.

Intractable hiccups: These last longer than a month.

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