When Hiccup could be a serious health problem

“While most hiccups don’t not last longer than a few minutes, sometimes they may last for a few hours. However, if they last longer than a month and are persistent, you must seek medical advice. It could be a more serious health problem such as central nervous system, stroke, injury, decreased kidney function, mental health problems, etc.” says Dr Sheth. Home remedies that can help you “There is no sure-fire way to stop hiccups. But you can try some home remedies like pinching your nose and holding your breath, gargling with water or sipping cold water. A spoonful of sugar or peanut butter, honey, chewing dill seeds, breathing into a brown paper bag etc are known to be effective at times,” says Dr Sheth.

Adds Dr Jharia, “Most ‘techniques’ are anecdotal. Breathing into a bag, swallowing sugar, drinking from the opposite side of a glass, forceable traction on the tongue, biting a lemon, holding your breath, fright, obnoxious odours, ice water gargles are some common home remedies.”

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